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10 Strangest Archeological Discoveries in The History Of Mankind

In the archaeologist, there are exciting, frightening stories and secrets, behind all that are found tales of distant ages and different places above and below Earth. And some artifacts indicate strange rituals followed in ancient times when embalming the dead, while others indicate great interest by the ancients with some engineering sciences that gave rise to new inventions in our time. Here, we take you on a tour of 10 of the strongest and strangest archeological discoveries in human history.

Trojan city
Troy is a well-known city in the world of history, legends and monuments, and is located in the northwest of Anatolia. In 1865, the English archaeologist Frank Calvert drilled a trench in a field he bought from farms in "Hesserlik" and in 1868, Heinrich Suleiman, a German businessman and archaeologist, began excavating in the same place after coincidentally collecting him in Calvert and what they found was this city.

Easter Island or Easter Island is one of the most isolated places in the world located thousands of miles from the Chilean coast in the South Pacific. The most confusing thing about this island is that people can live in this place and build huge heads of stone around the island.

Acomparo fingers
Although the scientific community agreed that these figures were part of an elaborate hoax, they caused great fanfare when they were announced. Hundreds of these human-like figures and dinosaurs were found in Mexico, which made some people think that the ancient people were better archaeologists than they thought.

Antikythera is the first scientific astronomical instrument invented by the Greeks for astronomical calculation and was discovered 2000 years ago in a sunken ship on a Greek island called "Antikthera". With dozens of gears, this watch can only measure the position of the sun, moon, and other planets by entering simple data into it. Although there is controversy about its specific uses, it indicates that ancient civilizations have made impressive and impressive achievements in the field of mechanical engineering.

Groupy Man
Stuffed bodies were repeatedly found, but the strange thing about this corpse, nicknamed "Grubali Man", is its structure, which is still protected despite the passage of hundreds of years on it, to the extent that the dead body of the dead body and nails of her hands remained as it was embalmed. Through the information available on the body, it is easy to know the cause of the death of the owner, which may be the result of a deep wound around his neck extending to his ears. This man is likely to die, aiming to sacrifice himself to go to a better destiny.

The mummy shouting
Unlike modern burial methods, the ancient Egyptians did not take into account the fact that if the neck of the corpse was not attached to the skull, the second one would fall and the corpse would appear to be screaming permanently. Although there are mummies in the same situation, this mummy is more fearful than others and scientists suggest that torture against the deceased will be used as part of the burial rites. The mummy in this photo is called "The Unknown Man E" and was found by Gaston Masparo in 1886.

Terra Cotta Army
Dozens of men surround this place, which is like a grave, but what is their story? This photo shows a strange archaeological discovery of "Terra Cotta" soldiers buried with the first Emperor of China "Kun Shi Hyung" to protect the emperor after death.

Moa object
In 1986, after deep excavations in Mount Owen Caves in New Zealand, this massive and frightening claw was found. And whoever looks at it will think that the creature with the claw died recently because it is amazingly preserved. After excavation and inspection, the scientists made it clear that this claw belongs to a large Maw, unable to fly from prehistoric times, which has a group of dangerous claws.

Baghdad battery
 In 1930, a number of pottery was discovered near Baghdad in the village of Khojot Rabeh. Nobody paid any attention to these jars for a long time until a German museum curator published a report explaining the use of these pottery as galvanic cells or batteries for the purposes of painting and electrolysis.

The Aztec sacrifice
The ancient Aztec Empire that inhabited the Valley of Mexico hosted many bloody festivals festivals, offering sacrifices as an offering to please the gods. In 2004, another horrific type of ritual killing and torture of human beings and animals was discovered on the nights of festivals, which included bloodshed for the victims. Types of torture include the cutting of their heads and the representation of their bodies. And this night of terror continues until the next day's sun rises, which means that the gods are satisfied with human blood.
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