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China develops robotic submarines with new era of naval power

China is developing large, smart and low-cost submarines capable of navigating the world's oceans and plans to deploy these unmanned submarines capable of performing a wide range of missions, including reconnaissance, mine action and suicide attacks against ships, the South China Morning Post reported in a new report. the enemy. This comes in the context of China's continuous pursuit of self-weapon development that will enable it to outweigh the United States, India, Russia and dozens of other countries around the world working on similar systems.
Lin Yang, director of marine technology equipment at the Shenyang Automation Institute, said that artificial intelligence-based submarines to deal with the complex environment of the sea are designed to complete basic tasks without the need for human intervention. The primary aim of these submarines is not to replace entire crews , But in making it able to change the path and depth independently to avoid detection.
They can also distinguish civilians from military vessels, move to specific locations on the map, discover enemy territory, gather intelligence, deploy mines, and penetrate the enemy's geographical coordinates.

China develops robotic submarines with new era of naval power

The submarines are cost-effective. One researcher says they are less expensive in terms of production and operation than manned submarines, which must have high standards. Design should take into consideration such things as the safety, comfort and mental health of the human crew to ensure human safety.
The cost of the US Navy submarine is $ 2 billion, while the research, development, and construction of the first 12 new Columbia submarines, due to be delivered in early 2020, cost more than $ 120 billion. The Lockheed Martin defense program, which aims to build an independent underwater vehicle in the next few years, is expected to cost $ 40 million.
China hopes to deploy unmanned submarines in strategic waters such as the South China Sea and the Western Pacific by 2021, the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC). These submarines are described as anti-defense measures actively used by other countries, In 2020, will test a large unmanned underwater underwater vehicle called XLUUV, employing Lockheed Martin and Boeing to develop prototype models.
The news comes after Elon Musk, Chief Executive Officer of Tesla and Space X, Max Tegmark, Chief Executive Officer of Future Life Institute, three founders of Google's DeepMind, and more than 2,400 executives, researchers and academics from several countries, Open last week to protest the development of artificial intelligence-based devices.
Artificial intelligence submarines are still at an early stage. There are still many technical and engineering obstacles before they are deployed in the open water. For example, the devices on the submarine must meet high standards of quality and reliability. There is no mechanic On board to fix a broken engine or fix a leak in the pipe.

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